Where can you find me?

Mánesova 813/4 120 00
Praha 2 – Vinohrady
Masáže Studio Praha

Marie - Massage Prague | MassagePrague.info

General Terms and Conditions

Massage Prague

Name and surname of the provider: Marie Němečková,
Identification number: 62775898
Address of the establishment: Mánesova 813/4, Prague 2, 120 00 Vinohrady

Services are performed on the basis of a valid trade license and documents certifying professional competence for the activities performed.

Email: info@massageprague.info
Tel.: +420 732 415 988

1. Introductory Provisions

  1. These General Terms and Conditions govern the contractual relationship between service Praha, hereinafter referred to as the “operator” and the person purchasing the operator’s services, hereinafter referred to as the “customer”. The purchased goods are products (gift vouchers) and services. The purchase of services is linked to their immediate online reservations. The purchase of products is tied to a future online reservation for their use, during the product’s validity period. All services and products the operator offers are on the websites www.MasagePrague.info, www.MasazProstaty.info/en, www.TantraPraha.info/en, www.Lechtani.cz/en.
  2. The contractual relationship between the operator and the customer, hereinafter referred to as the “contractual parties”, is governed in addition to these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as GTC) by the currently valid price list at www.MassagePrague.info/price/ and the conditions for the eligibility of services (hereinafter referred to as Contraidications), which are confirmed when purchasing services.
  3. These GTC and Contraindications become an integral part of every contractual relationship concluded between the operator and the customer.
  4. The wording of the terms and conditions may be changed or supplemented by the operator.

2. Governing law and legal regime

  1. Contractual relations between the Contracting Parties are governed by the legal order of the Czech Republic.

3. The process of ordering services and their payment

  1. By ordering a service through the reservation system or by purchasing a product, the customer expresses his interest in the service or product and agrees to these terms and conditions. In order to conclude the contract, the operator must accept the customer’s completed order.
  2. The service must be ordered at least 24 hours before its start date.
  3. Non-cash payment of the service is required at least 24 hours before the start of the service.
  4. Verifiable payment is crediting the payment to the operator’s payment gateway account. Otherwise, the reservation is cancelled.
  5. The customer’s order must contain sufficient data to identify the customer (name and surname, mobile number and e-mail address), identification of the ordered product or service and their price.
  6. Non-cash payment is made in € currency.
  7. The customer can cancel the reservation no later than 24 hours in advance using the link to cancel the reservation in the reservation email. The return of the already credited payment is made within 24 hours, and it usually takes 2 to 3 days to credit it when paying by card.

  8. The customer is obliged to inform the operator if he does not receive a service reservation confirmation by email.

4. Conditions for redeeming gift vouchers

  1. The gift voucher entitles the customer to use the services listed in point 1.1.
  2. The gift voucher can only be redeemed and services used within 4 months from the date of purchase, unless otherwise agreed by the contractual parties. The expiration date is indicated on the gift voucher.
  3. The customer must reserve the gift voucher via the reservation form at www.MassagePrague.info/reservation. The operator can provide the customer with additional information about the services and their suitability by email or by phone. The telephone connection is not used for ordering, canceling or booking an appointment. To cancel the date of the reservation, the booking cancellation form is included in the link of the booking email no later than 24 hours before the start of its performance..
  4. Payment with a gift voucher must be reported when booking a service for verification of validity. When booking a service, you can change the type of service listed on the gift voucher for a service of the same or lower price value.
  5. The gift voucher cannot be exchanged for cash and cannot be returned, copying or other modifications of the gift voucher are not allowed. It is valid once.
  6. If the customer is ordered and does not arrive without canceling the binding reservation in advance, the value of the ordered service is automatically deducted from the customer’s gift voucher or forfeited.
  7. By purchasing a gift voucher, the customer confirms that he has familiarized himself with these terms and conditions and that he agrees with them.
  8. The customer is obliged to familiarize the gifted person with the conditions stated here.
  9. By accepting a gift voucher, the recipient agrees to the conditions stated here.

5. Service implementation process

1. Term’s of visits:

a) The date of the visit must be reserved in advance at www.MassagePrague.info/reservation.
b) Information regarding the appropriate type of service will be provided by the operator to the customer by email or telephone.
c) Booking a service by phone is not possible.
d) The reserved date becomes a BINDING order.
e) The operator reserves the appropriate time and space for the reserved date of the customer’s visit.
f) The premises are not accessible at any time. The customer must arrive at the exact reserved time 

2. Preordering:

a) If the customer is unable to attend the service on the date of the reservation, he/she informs the customer of this in advance using the link in his/her reservation email, but no later than 24 hours before the date of the reservation of the service.
b) Later reordering is considered the customer’s absence.

3. Late arrival:

a) If the customer arrives within 20 minutes after the agreed date, the service will be performed in a shortened range so that it ends at the originally reserved time. You consider a late arrival for a service as the absence of a customer. 

4. Absence of the customer:

a) In case of absence or arrival with a delay of more than 20 minutes, the performance of the service is canceled due to the absence of the customer. In the case of a gift voucher, this voucher is cancelled.

6. Refusal and early termination of service

1. The service can be refused without compensation in these cases:

a) the customer comes to the service with obvious symptoms of infectious diseases,
b) the customer comes to the service with Contraindications,
c) the customer arrives for the service drunk or under the influence of addictive substances,
d) the customer arrives for the service in an unsatisfactory hygienic condition.

2. The service can be terminated prematurely without compensation if during the service:

a) the customer develops obvious symptoms of infectious diseases, or
b) the customer shows obvious symptoms of intoxication or addictive substances, or
c) the customer develops obvious symptoms of health problems, or
d) the customer will behave in an inappropriate manner.

7. Accompaniment and accessibility

  1. No other adult, including children, can accompany the customer to the service.
  2. The service area is not equipped for the presence of children with an adult who has booked a service appointment.
  3. The service area is not equipped for the presence of pets, people in wheelchairs and people with otherwise limited mobility.
  4. The service area has the possibility of parking in the vicinity for a fee in a parking machine.
  5. The service area does not have a reception desk – for this reason, the operator cannot allow the customer to enter the studio area before the reserved service time.

8. Personal belongings and valuables

  1. The operator is not responsible for any possible loss of the customer’s belongings before, during and after the service.

9. Informed consent of the customer

1. Before the first service, the customer is instructed about health risks, indications and contraindications. If he decides to undergo a service, he clearly and freely expresses his informed consent.

2. Occupational safety and risk prevention at the workplace: By entering the studio premises, the customer expresses consent:

a) with his obligation to comply with the rules of occupational safety and risk prevention at the workplace in the study premises and
b) the obligation to comply with the safety instructions of the masseuse operator.

10. Price list

  1. The current price list of service services and products is on the website of the operator www.MassagePrague.info/price/.

11. Service complaints

  1. When making a complaint about the services provided, the customer must immediately prove on the spot immediately after the service and in a reliable way that the subject of the complaint is related to a specific misconduct of the operator.
  2. Complaints are submitted in writing to the address of the provider.
  3. Later complaints will not be taken into account due to inconclusiveness.
  4. In the case of an unfounded complaint, the costs of handling it will be recovered from the customer.
  5. After the service, the customer is informed about possible reactions to the service.

12. Protection of personal data

  1. Processing of personal data: the customer expressly agrees that the operator is authorized to process and store all information and data in accordance with the relevant generally applicable legal regulations, in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of personal data, which he provided for the purpose of processing the order. By providing an e-mail address, the customer agrees to the sending of Commercial Communications to his e-mail address, this consent can be revoked at any time.

13. Final Arrangements

  1. Contractual relations between the Contracting Parties are governed by the legal order of the Czech Republic.
  2. The contracting parties expressly declare that they have entered into these terms and conditions after thoroughly familiarizing themselves with their content, freely and seriously, accept them, and undertake to observe the rights and obligations set forth in them.

Updated terms and conditions 8/10/2023

Massage Prague
Mánesova 813/4, 120 00 Prague 2 – Vinohrady